Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to all appointments made at Dogwood Grooming Spa.

At each appointment made with us, you will be asked to agree to our current terms and conditions. Please take the time to read these carefully as we may update these from time to time.

Declaration and Agreement

Whilst my pet is in Dogwood’s care, their health and welfare is Dogwood’s primary concern. My pet will only be groomed according to their tolerance of the process. If my pet is fearful of any of the procedures employed during grooming, a workaround or alternative will be employed. Occasionally during grooming, a pre-existing condition may be discovered that I may not have been aware of. Should this occur, Dogwood will notify me in detail so that I can seek veterinary advice.

Although extremely unlikely, I understand that accidents can happen during grooming. In the event of an accident or serious medical issue arising during my pet’s groom, I authorise Dogwood to seek emergency veterinary treatment and advice if necessary.

Neglected and Matted Coats

In the event that my pet’s coat needs to be clipped down to release it from matting or coat neglect, I understand that Dogwood, Dogwood’s owner and operator are not liable for any postgrooming effects of this procedure, which is not without risk. Should further grooming at cost be needed to ensure my pet is free from discomfort, Dogwood will explain my options before the grooming occurs and the procedure will be explained in detail during my pet’s consultation.

I am expected to keep my pet’s vaccinations up to date and I understand that evidence of this may be required. I am aware that puppies who have not yet completed their first and second vaccinations cannot be accepted into the spa. This is for my pet’s safety.

Use of Restraint Equipment

Dogwood and their staff will assess each pet and agree to use appropriate handling equipment. As part of Dogwood's commitment to keeping pets safe, I agree that it may be necessary, to use additional safety equipment, including but not limited to, muzzles and crates etc. By booking an appointment at Dogwood, I hereby consent to the use of any such safety equipment. I understand that Dogwood may refuse service if my pet is unable to comfortably wear any necessary handling or safety equipment. I also give consent for my pet to be placed in a crate where Dogwood Groomers are unable to safely keep both hands on my pet.

Pets with fleas / flea and deworming service inclusion:

To protect their spa facilities and clients, Dogwood Spas does not permit pets to enter with known flea issues. If fleas are discovered during my pet’s groom, Dogwood will call me to advise of an additional £10 non-negotiable flea charge. This additional charge covers the eradication of fleas from my pet by way of a flea bath. I understand that this must be carried out before Dogwood will continue the grooming process. It also covers the Dogwood Spa’s deep cleaning protocol post-groom.

In cases where I request a flea and de-worming service, Dogwood and its staff will provide an extended consultation to ensure all health, skin and medical matters are discussed. I understand that only pets who are known to be in good overall health, and those who have no known history of a reaction to flea and deworm products, can receive this service. This application service is offered to support the prevention of flea and worm burdens; therefore, this is not applicable to those with an active flea issue. Dogwood reserves the right to decline the service and recommend a veterinary consultation where the necessary requirements cannot be met.

I hereby acknowledge my pet is flea-free, and the health and flea/de-worming history I have provided is correct and true. Dogwood does not accept responsibility for individual post-service reactions.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

Dogwood staff are trained to provide ultrasonic teeth cleaning to dogs and cats, to support their ongoing dental maintenance. This is considered to be a mild-moderate invasive service due to working in close proximity to my pet’s gum/tissue/bones. For this reason, pet behaviour and current dental hygiene status will be considered and may render the service unsuitable for some pets. In cases where gingivitis or periodontitis have developed - bleeding, irritated gums may be seen both pre & post-treatment. Dogwood cannot guarantee the safeguarding of any loose and wobbly teeth which may arise post-treatment. By requesting this service, I hereby acknowledge the current condition of my pet’s dental hygiene and understand all aspects of the risk attached to this treatment.

Late Fee & Cancellation Policy:

In cases where Dogwood have secured an appointment for me, they may ask for a deposit or prepayment. This is to secure my timeslot and ensure my pet is given adequate time to safely receive their grooming services. Dogwood reserves the right to charge up to 100% of a missed, no-show or late appointment where the space is unable to be adequately filled. To avoid this fee, Dogwood kindly requests that I confirm or cancel my appointments with no less than 24 hours notice.

Safe space:

Dogwood will provide me with an accurate appointment drop-off and collection time and relies on my cooperation. Dogwood respectfully ask that I inform them of any changes which will affect their agreed arrival times. I understand that the emergency ‘safe-space’ holding service used either before or after my appointment, will incur an additional cost by the Dogwood grooming team upon collection.

I understand that Dogwood’s cancellation policy and ‘safe space’ fee is a vital measure to safeguard their grooming team and ensure they can continue to provide the services I know and love.

Disclosing medical conditions:

Dogwood requires full transparency where all aspects of health and behaviour are concerned. The Dogwood team will ask for information surrounding veterinary history, medication, known or suspected health issues, skin or coat ailments, allergies, joint issues or other impairments, or behavioural and handling concerns. I understand that this information is necessary to safeguard my pet’s welfare and experience in the grooming environment. I hereby confirm that I have surrendered all information on my pet’s health status and will continue to do so on all future appointments. I understand that Dogwood is not liable for cases where undiagnosed or undiscovered health issues may be present.

Fair treatment of staff:

The Dogwood team work tirelessly to provide me with the best service possible, which involves putting pets at the forefront of their care. I understand that Dogwood and the team reserve the right to decline or terminate services to any individual who subjects them to abusive or intimidating behaviour.

By agreeing to these terms, I am declaring that the information and statements given about my pet are correct. I understand the declaration and agreements outlined above, and by agreeing, I give Dogwood permission to care for and groom my pet in accordance with their terms and conditions.